
The construction and associated industries has a varied & diverse set of requirements when it comes to communications.

The very nature of contractor / sub-contractor / employee, can, traditionally be a very difficult issue when it comes to responsibilities and “buy-in” particularly on larger projects.

That was only extenuated with the movement to Cloud based services & data access, with management and security often being a critical issue or hurdle.

Vodanet, our consultants & partners have significant experience working across the whole construction sector providing various solutions to recognised industry names, at prestige sites & on high value contracts.

Further, we have been able to work with, and enable “buy-in” from all parties on medium & large projects, which enables the latest software and applications to be used both to “win” contracts and to then fulfil,

Contact us today, without cost or obligation, to discuss or how we can assist you with a specific problem or project & learn how our consultants have assisted some of the leading construction companies in the UK on projects here and overseas.